Remove a Ripoff Report from Search Enginges

Remove a Ripoff Report From Google

Have you been posted on Ripoff Report? is an extremely popular consumer review website that encourages people to write negative reviews & complaints about individuals and businesses online. If you are familiar with this site, then you know how damaging a Ripoff Report in Google search results can be. While Ripoff Report and its founder, Ed Magedson, have been sued numerous times, Ripoff Report utilizes the protections provided by the Communication Decency Act section 230(c) to remain immune to liability: In short, this body of law states:

“No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.”

Under this protection, RipoffReport is not responsible for any user generated content on their website, even if the hosted content is defamatory.

The financial impact of a Ripoff Report Posting:

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If a Ripoff Report posting has been made about you, it is extremely likely that the posting ranks at the top of the search results for your name or business because Ripoff Report is a “highly authoritative” site in Google’s eyes.

The biggest issue with a Ripoff Report ranking highly in Google search results is the damage it can have on a company’s bottom line. Recent studies have shown the following:

  • 92% of potential customers will research a business online before making a buying decision
  • 88% incorporate online feedback about a business or service into their purchase decision
  • 86% of people will hesitate to purchase from a business that has negative feedback online

Given the above statistics, it is no surprise that the prominent presence of a Ripoff Report in search results can have devastating impacts on a company’s revenues and their ability to attract customers.


Ripoff Report Search Engine Suppression Service:

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If you look into Ripoff Report’s terms and conditions, you will see that they have a strict, “We will never remove anything, ever,” policy. Although removal of a posting from Ripoff Report is therefore not possible, our team has developed a strategy to successfully suppress Ripoff Report links to the second and third page of search results.

Our company has successfully helped numerous clients push down Ripoff Report posts in Google search results utilizing a variety of earned media, guest posts, interviews, Web 2.0 profiles, and other websites.

If you call our company, the first step in our process is to analyze the circumstances surrounding the Ripoff Report and associated content to determine if a suppression campaign makes sense for your situation. If we conclude that suppression will help to achieve your goals and objectives, our team will immediately get to work creating a custom campaign.

Getting Started:

To learn more about how Reputation Resolutions can help you remove a Ripoff Report from Google, fill out the form below and one of our brand managers will be in touch with you shortly, or call us today at (855)239-5322.